Generating the gathering storm…

The news is going wild with threats of snow… we’re all waiting with anxious squeals to find out if it will, in fact, snow at all.

13 inches? I might have to remain skeptical about all that.

But that doesn’t keep us from getting out the generator and making sure it actually starts… going and getting 10 gallons of gas and filling up all the cars.

Milk and bread? Oh, of course!

In 1993 there was a blizzard of mythic proportions here in North Alabama. Yes, it snowed something like a foot and shut down everything. Everything. We had no power for three days. A foot of snow.

Now, all you people from northern states or in Northern Europe might be scoffing at that (as do I a little nowadays) but to a 7-year-old in North Alabama, a foot of snow is… like… like… a mile of snow!

All these travels and all these places that I’ve seen in the heat, the cold, the sand, the snow… something reminds me of the blessing it is to approach every new situation like it is the first time you’ve seen snow. You see this white junk falling down out of the sky and it grows out in the grass and makes everything white.

I don’t know what it will do tomorrow afternoon when all this snow gets into the area… but what I do know: I hope I don’t look out and take for granted that I, too, once was amazed by snow.

Stay tuned,
-Noah D.