Not the brightest bulb…

…but I still make a valiant attempt at shining just a little.

Let me take this opportunity on a horrific photograph day to point you here:

This is my real website. My real blog. Where the real magic tries to happen.

Any feed notes on Facebook or RSS feeds just don’t capture the magic…

…nor does it capture any website pageviews. But clicking on the link does!

So… please, show the love. Yes, this is a plea. This is a teeny beg.

Or here:

That works, too. Check out the exhibitions: the Haiti one is still going on.

Please, just the benefit of the click. Even bookmark me!

Or… Twitter! Twitter works, too. I am @Haonavy or the Twitter link on the side of the page gets you there.

But above all, whatever you do, please, stay tuned…
-Noah D.