Get me two on time…

Madison Square Mall, Huntsville, Alabama.

I acquired a Droid 2 Global today. Yes, in lieu of Verizon announcing their CDMA iPhone and all that jazz. There’s something about the Android system I like in a phone.

iOS in a tablet, sure. But something about the Android operating system – especially the special build in this phone for overseas capabilities.

It is true that all the rumors in the world hint at the iPhone 5 coming in the summer and it’ll have overseas network capabilities and blah blah blah…

…but ya know what? That’s a rumor in the summer. I will have been overseas at least three times by then and probably in a dozen different countries. I need something now. And what I know works NOW is the Droid.

In all honesty, I can’t say I wouldn’t STILL get the Droid 2 Global. Its done me well for the two years I’ve been using the original Droid. It doesn’t work overseas, though. I’ve been using the old Blackberry 8830 World Edition that the government uses. We’ve been overseas together for the past three years… finally biting the dust in Haiti this past summer.

Or, rather, biting the salt water.

The Droid 2 Global. Expect a little review in the future. Probably after my first overseas time… somewhere a little special. 😉

Oh, and by the way, its white.

Stay tuned…
-Noah D.