What you’ll do for love…

I kinda wonder if all the griping about Valentines being a “corporate holiday” is code for being a lazy boyfriend or husband or whatever. That’s probably being a little harsh, in all honesty, but I think there are some completely wonderful ways around it.

Tonight at the grocery store, it seemed as though bucking the holiday was the way to go. There were couples of all ages out getting all sorts of food to cook together. They weren’t out spending oodles of money on dining out. I mean, maybe there was a little gift involved in there somewhere… but… it just seemed like there were couples out going to cook together.

Wouldn’t that be a wonderful thing to do? Spend more time than spending money? Putting more effort into quality time than throwing money at it?

Throw money at it: that’s the way of things, isn’t it? There is always a better way.

Stay tuned…
-Noah D.