Droid really does…

Needless to say, new toys are always fun. But after NOT having something for years and years and years and then suddenly having something again? Its a mighty cool thing! I just really geek out all over the place, but the new Droid phone from Verizon is just spectacular.

If you’ve been living under a rock, its the phone that Verizon is putting up against the iPhone. And honestly, the bragging rights from Apple and AT&T are getting pretty slim.

But my excitement for owning the Droid comes from the camera.

But I remember the old Nokia brick phone a short 8 years ago as my first phone when I was 16 years old. It was pretty awesome with the snake game! Then came the first phone with color… which I had. Then there was the first phone with video… which I had that, too.

There was a short intermediate period there when I had a phone with no camera phone that was a replacement for that first video phone because I literally wore out the keyboard texting.

And then came the realm of the Blackberry 8830 World Edition – a phone that, if you need it to stop bullets, I’m sure it would do that, too. Yes, my friends, I traveled to something like 16 countries and drug it all over the place – but I did it all without a camera phone.

Alas, I forsook the Tank Phone for the Droid. Now, I have a camera on my phone with more megapixels than my first REAL digital camera and have more speed and computing firepower than a whole room of computers 10 years ago. Yes, I’m writing part of this post from a freaking camera!

Yes, there are faults. But nothing that won’t be corrected an update or two from now. There’s of course some stability issues, but I’ve never had the phone all-out crash on me.

But in the end, who cares. It has a camera. And a handful of photo apps to edit photos. I’m happy because I have the camera that’s the best camera… because its the one I have with me all the time.

Stay tuned,

-Noah D.