Back to school…

“I’ve never let my school interfere with my education.” ~Mark Twain

Stephens Art Building, Harding University, Searcy, Ark.

So, here’s school again. Its the thing I do between photo assignments… and rarely instead of photo assignments.

Six years of school. That’s a long time. I’ve started getting offers from graduate schools that I’m sure everyone’s getting. Georgetown’s J-school, Tennessee’s J-school, Kent State’s J-school…

I just wanna get out there. I just wanna tell stories.

Ironically today’s photo is of the front of a building, which barely tells any story. I could make up something saying it symbolizes something abstract, but I’ll just resign myself to admit I didn’t want to go a day without a photo-of-the-day.

But then again, it could be in spite of that. It’s sort of my way of sticking it to the man… of uncreative-ness. This 365 Days of photos is a challenge to myself to never let a day pass without a photo. No matter how busy, how impossible the task might seem. I will have an image to show for each and every day.

Because, when I’m working for a paper, an agency, a press bureau, or just freelancing myself… I cannot have a “dry day”. I push it.

For now, I’m doing it for me. In the future, I’ll be doing it for my client.

For that time, stay tuned,

-Noah D.