Who’s afraid of the big bad slush…?

And… my University canceled classes today.

Of course, I just CAN’T stay in bed… Yeah, its not all that newsworthy, but its different… and I’m severely addicted to this thing we call photojournalism. I’m sure the paper will appreciate it come Friday.

Oh and sometimes when I refer to “the paper” I’m actually referring to our university newspaper that is released by the student publications office every Friday. Its called “The Bison.” And its more like a news magazine in the form of a newspaper, quite frankly. Think a localized Newsweek in broadsheet form.

I got to the office today about 9am and found this weeks issue… undelivered. Well, considering most of the buildings are locked up, there wasn’t very many places it could go… but everybody that wasn’t still checking their eyelids for leaks in the dorms were in the student center… or dining hall. So, that’s all who got The Bison today. We’ll try again tomorrow.

“Neither rain nor snow nor heat nor gloom of night,” right? 😛

Speaking of which:

I don’t know what it was, but it seemed as if the USPS trucks were out in droves… tire chains and all. Maybe that was the delay this morning.

And other transportation?

In all actuality, the snow is not really that bad. In fact, its mostly slush. Its kinda rough on highly trafficked areas where heavy vehicles have packed it down. But… if the curbs are still visible, its probably not THAT bad.

Northern people I know find closing schools for an inch of snow hilarious.

However, as I’m writing this, the snow is falling quite heavily… I’ll have to go scrape my windshield again before I leave for my shoot tonight.

And what a shoot it is! Tonight there is a concert… and there may well be two postings today for Day 29 on my 365 Day project.

For that, stay tuned,
-Noah D.