Artistic license…

I’m waiting for my call from the fine art galleries now…

What? I risked life and limb in the middle of the intersection at Grand and Market in bustling Searcy, Ark., for that polaroid!

Okay, maybe that’s a bit too harsh. But photojournalist Bill Pierce who used to write for The Digital Journalist once explained:
“A long time ago, when I was applying for artist’s certification from the local authorities where I lived, I submitted a number of pictures that were nothing more than the initial frames of film that were exposed when I wound off a few frames after loading but before starting to shoot. I did receive my certification.”

If you’re curious as to his “fine art”? Click here.

“Fine art.” Its such a tongue-and-cheek word.

Promise, tomorrow’s frame won’t be Polaroid. Or of a sewer. Or even remotely “fine art”-ish…

Ahem… excuse me… its Fuji-roid. Stay tuned,
-Noah D.