Here’s to the future…

Its a unique honor to do what I do sometimes. I say this in all humility, because it frequently reminds me that there are good people in the world and its such a relief that good things happen to them.

Somehow, some way, and in no way is it any of my own doing, but somehow I come to work for these sorts of people. Maybe its the place I am or something… I don’t know.

But sometimes I get asked to do very personal, rather intimate stuff.

Like… being there for a man to ask a woman to marry him. The only real witness. The teller of their story, a corroborator to give validity to the fact.

Yeah, it may seem a bit dramatic or whatever… but seriously, whether its something as lovely as this or as horrific as war, we as photojournalist have a responsibility to something quite more than ourselves. Call it “truth” or “justice” or whatever ignoble, man-made term you can come up with, it doesn’t really matter… at its core we are just telling the real story of what really happened. In all honesty, the significance is determined by someone else.

So, when you make an image such as this:

…you can’t even pretend to think that the image will be anywhere remotely as significant to you as it will be to them.

But as far as the story of this man and this woman’s life is concerned, it likely will be a photo that will outlive me. My grandparent’s version of this photo is still with us. Probably one of the most significant photos we have.

So, I’m not trying to mount this whole thing to be more than it is, but I’m just wanting to get my photojournalist friends to think about what they do. Don’t take it lightly. Even if it is a “simple engagement” – a fairly low-stress thing in the grand scheme of jobs.

What you’re doing is important… very important.

When she finds out that the whole day is planned, even dinner where both sets of parents and family and friends await their return.

Including her mother, of course…

They have quite a few special days ahead of them… those types of days when its completely okay to expect the world to revolve around them for a little while.

Oh, and just a side note, I’m listening to “So Damn Lucky” by Dave Matthews. Had to hit repeat. That’s a ridiculously cool song. Just sayin’…
-Noah D.