Roses and gold…

I have just been spending some time amongst the beauty of the structures…

…and amongst the flowers…

…and the flowers that float.

But I think this one was a new one for me: eating gold. Yes, just a little little bit… but it was gold!

Oh, and – sorry New York City’s “Serendipity” cafe that has the gold flake sprinkled dessert for $700 or whatever… I think I had more on my shiny little ball of chocolate creamy goodness… and it cost 4.50Euro.

So, why did I eat gold on a dessert? Honestly, we have been only spending money on food besides general costs of living and travel. We’re really not much on souvenirs, but between all these places where we kinda look at it real quick, see the massive buses unloading tourists, and move on… we really go out of our way to find exceptional food. And, continuing in the first half of my trip – exceptional cafes and coffee.

Well, ya can’t go to Vienna without visiting the famous Cafe Central: the premier cafe of the city. And it lives up to its name. Its not crowded, the service is great, the coffee is great… and if you – like we often do – strike up a conversation with the waiter/waitress, you will be able to ask them their favorites or their recommendations and you will get extraordinary results.

Sorta like Anthony Bourdain finding these little alleyway dives and underground coffee shops – not that Cafe Central is one of those at all, its quite prominent – but we have yet to have a bad experience.

And that’s what it is. That’s what we’re making it. Our meals are “experiences.” Moments where we are able to experience the culture in a few hours – yes, HOURS means very little fast food at all. I would love to have had the foresight to set up fixers and have some home-cooked meal experiences from some of these countries, but… for that, you might just have to stay tuned.

Stay tuned,
-Noah D.