Golf with women…

I haven’t done a technical blog post in a while, so why not now? Usually they have to do with lighting anyway. These gals belong to the golf team here at the University.

So these three were lit exactly the same way, a single shoot-thru umbrella with a SB-800. That’s all. Simple.

The technical part kicks in with the background. I metered the background originally in the 1/200th at a little under f/5.6. So I stopped down just a bit – probably only about 2/3’s of a stop – because I like my greens to be… well… green and not hi-lighter green.

I then took to filling in with flash. I’m sorta remembering it around 1/4th or so. Nothing that could cook a chicken, but enough to meet the sun.

Oh, and if I didn’t mention it already, it was around 4pm and behind a good thick row of trees.

That’s all. Simple portrait, very mobile, quick setup. The only test shot I really needed was to test the power of the flash: an outstretched hand, palm up will do that fine.

Stay tuned,
-Noah D.