A release for lighting normalcy…

NOTE: If you are reading this from Facebook, please click here to view it on the original web page.

Now, as a photojournalist, most of the time I am able to photograph completely willy-nilly and unrestrained all “found” things. They are usually public or at least acknowledged.

Not so with situations like this:

To portray graduate students interacting with inner city children for a Memphis religious graduate school, I went to a local church where there are plenty of these grad students working and working with kids. Its not supposed to be complicated or have special background, since it’ll probably be a very small photo in-passing.

Simple, right? Not so much. These are kids.

In today’s world, we gotta be careful.

So, we had to secure a release or two even though the promise was the kids would still be mostly “unidentifiable”: its not the kids, its the grad students. The students, under agreement by attending the university at all, sign a model release as a condition when they are on campus.

Here’s one of the photos from the shoot:

If you’re interested to see the release (easily customizable to your own use) its here: HU Model Release.

In other news regarding this photograph: it is lit with a single SB-800 triggered with an SU-800 wireless controller fired directly into the wall at the same eye level as the subject, directly right of the camera about 8ft away. Very simple. Very “normal” and natural-looking light. Otherwise, it was a blah-florescent room.

Stay tuned,

-Noah D.

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