Playful disasters…

In the spirit of all these disasters around the world these days, my school’s annual disaster drill was an earthquake. A bit “localized” for an earthquake, only the library took part in the drill. But such is the nature of the thing.

In the years that I have covered this thing, it has been a bomb in the campus’ huge auditorium, a shooting at the theater building, a fire at one of the women’s dorms… and then this year: an earthquake at the library.

Being that I had no official capacity, I just walked up, took this photo, talked to a few people I had not seen in a while… and moved on, back to the shoots I actually came here to do. (See yesterday’s post.) Eh, I’ll leave the playful disasters to the younger generation…

I made this single photo. My good friend Jeff, the university photographer, made quite a few more. A few more of his photos at an insane 6-digit ISO can be found here at his blog.

So… stay tuned… as soon as I come back, people find out and my schedule loads up. And, I assure you, that is not a complaint. More commercial shoot tomorrow, concerts this weekend, more and more by the day…

-Noah D.