Pure happy betwixt…

After viewing many of these photographs that follow, you will hardly believe that they were taken the same day, before and after the story in the previous blog post.


Not only does life go on. But this is what makes life so bizarre. And amazing.

From quiet moments of meditation…

…to moments completely devoid of any seriousness whatsoever.

This was the same day of a funeral.

Why are they not in mourning? Why are they not wearing black and sitting in silence, forlorn and reverent.

Is that what is expected?

What is gained from that?

Children live and play… even in the face of great sadness. Is there something to be learned? Yes, it is sad that a person has died. And, perhaps, it is the point of the solemnity that makes us focus on remembering the lost.

But, can we not be more like children?

To go ahead, playing as hard and laughing as always… never forgetting those who’s laughter no longer echoes across the playground.











The clinic continued, by the way.



And maintenance on the building…


So, another day…

…the sun rises and sets.

And another day that seems too long to just be so short…

…but never forgetting why people make little trips like this in the first place.

Stay tuned…
-Noah D.


PS: Pretty good sized group. Not all are in the same place the whole time, but this is the whole team: doctors, dentists, nurses, optometrists

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