Finish to start another…

Spring Sing for Harding University is one of my bigger ticket things on my agenda during the typical year. It includes lots of portraits, lots of groups, and lots of time at the computer. I’ve been sharing a sampling these past few days with some quickie tutorials and such.

But here’s the last photo for the program:

The cast of the ensemble and backup singers.

This one is technically only three… I had a setup for five ready for the alternative shot.

Ready? Five lights… go:

The idea here is to create a unique image in a very large room and out of a large cast. I’m utilizing a technique here gleaned from the pages of Joe McNally’s books: don’t JUST light the subject, light AROUND the subject. Had I left the lights out of the balcony placed in such a way, there would be almost no separation between the people on the edges of the group and the dark background.

Now, there are a few issues I have with this image – in its completely unedited stage there are a number of touch-ups needed before this is ready for print: the hard shadows are a bit awkward in a few places, but since the lights in the balcony (two WhiteLightning 1000) are in there to be false spotlights, the shadow in the front is forgivable, but the shadows on people are a bit yuck. Also, the hot spot under the left balcony light is a wee much, but an easy burn.

Regardless, on the whole, simple five light setup.

Where’s the fifth light you might ask? Behind the whole group shooting straight into the crowd. If not, then the seats would be as dark as they are on the far left.

But anyways, phase one is over… next is phase two. You’ll see.

For that, stay tuned…
-Noah D.