Back to school… back to school…


Not everyone is like me and has moved in and out of college dorm rooms and apartments and across the seas with all worldly possessions in tow… a dozen times.

For some, today was their first day “on their own”. And for some parents, it was their first day a child went out from under their roof…

…to begin their college careers.

I was there five years ago.

Its a pretty big step for those young kids.

Its a pretty big step for those parents!

But, I document life. This is a part of life – one of those “top ten life-changing experiences”.

Yes, my friends… I’m back at it. You’ll be seeing the posts pick up again. I’ve been here almost a week before the first freshman sets foot on campus… its actually quite fascinating to see it from my perspective.

I’ll try to do my best at showing it to you… through my lens.

Like here… where it almost looks like the little brother was put outside with all the rest of the odds and ends.


I love the little details in life.

So, hang on. Busy weekend. Big events. Lots of photos.

Stay tuned,
~Noah D.

PS: I’m now official shooting cross-platform. Yep, the above picture was taken with a Canon 5D.