Things that make ya go awww….

And they’ll make ya say awwww over and over again…

I love visiting places a second time. Both my sister and I had both been to Prague before and done all the typical things – the churches, the castle, the Charles Bridge. This time we wanted to do something a little bit off the beaten path.

So, a little search on the internet yields the fact that the Prague Zoo is among the best in the world on any number of lists, probably the most notable being Forbes.

As an experience at a zoo is concerned, it is really terrific. Its rather on the small size, but the animals don’t seem cramped and they can “get away” from the viewing public – something I’ve always heard makes a captive animal happier.

But most of the animals were very visible and active, whether feeding or playing or whatever.

I hate to go to a zoo and see a bunch of animals bored to death and asleep. Okay, no counting the first photo of the day – that was just for cuteness impact. 😉

But, at the Prague Zoo, it was a really good experience. A good thing to do on a random day in a foreign city.

Of course, most of them are taken through glass or a net or a cage or something… but what can ya do. I was kinda tempted to ask about press access – use some of those press passes lying around – but I’d probably just get kicked or eaten or pooped upon… or all three… in that order.

So settle in for a bunch of animal photos! All the ridiculous cuteness that that might entail…








Can’t get through a blog without a black and white, of course…

We did other things – including walking most of the city – but this dominated a large part of our photo quota for the day. Tomorrow morning we head for Berlin.

For that, stay tuned…
-Noah D.