Everyday Paris…

To claim to know a city well, you must know the public transportation.

Sure, I’m “comfortable” with the metro… but I hate bus systems in any city anywhere in the world. I think Athens scared me on that one.

Oh, except Athens, Georgia… its bus system is great. Anywhere else… not so much…

The metro, though, is like this space of non-existence. Nobody exists but they’re all in each others way. The people there ignore everyone else – never making eye contact – and definitely never speaking to one another. Sort of like a men’s restroom, I guess you could say, and not far from the truth at certain parts of the day.

But it also makes for good photos. Discreteness, everyone ignoring everyone on purpose, its loud and easy to conceal.

But outside, shots from the hip aren’t too bad, either. Makes for fascinating imagery sometimes. Its good for getting on the eye-level of a child.

Anyways, we did see “things.” My sister had not seen much of Paris last time she was here because of the rush of the people she was with… so we slowed it down significantly this time.

We had stayed far outside the city last night, by the way. And definitely had one of the best Parisian experiences thus far… not even in Paris proper. The people were lovely, the food was extraordinary, and I think we were the only people that spoke any English in the area… at all.

I’ve never eaten so much raw meat… but it was guuud!

Stay tuned, there is traveling afoot…
-Noah D.

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