Photos of the moment…

So, if you didn’t already know, I spent all last week in New York. And on the way home I decided to take the long way.

How long?

Way way long.

Like, Washington, D.C., long…

But that’s the beauty of being the random, free-spirit that I am. I had been to… hmm, might keep that one until I do my photoblog from last week. Keep you suspense.

Well, to suspend just a little longer, here’s a photo that is completely not “me” but I liked it still. Its digital, but just so you know to expect 11 rolls of film worth of a post soon. I’m just having to hold off until I burn up this last roll because I want to take all my E-6 process stuff in at once.

So, here’s what’s “not me.” Its an artsy fartsy shot. Its out of focus, blurred, and crazy grainy… but I like its look. The only editing is my special soup of B&W conversion.

What do you think?

Yeah, maybe I’m just emotionally attached.

Silly me,

-Noah D.