A thickly thawed fest…

Second only to classic journalism – documentary stuff – I love shooting concerts. I shoot concerts as second nature now. And with the advent of these clean 4 digit ISO’s and things it has become a true joy.

So when I get asked, “Can you shoot a two-day music festival?”

Seriously, do you have to ask?

But, in classic journalism, always arrive early and stay late.

See the whole thing.

Part of having access is spending the time to get it. There’s no secret. Its just a time thing. By the time the first note is played, you’re already a regular.

You’ve already been shooting for half a dozen hours before the first note is sounded.

Warm-up, tune-up, sound check.

You’re a backstage fixture.

Band Number One was “The Medders.”

Friends of the university at which this festival was happening.

And then the headliner for the night was Andy Davis. Pretty fun concert, really.

Andy was a really neat guy, singer/songwriter, played all the instruments.

That’s one of my favorites, but I’m sure most people will prefer this:

I’m a sucker for acoustic versions of songs. For the encore, he stepped out and unplugged. Not bad. Not bad.

But, as I mentioned, this was a festival. Much more to come. I’m shooting six bands tomorrow.

Stay tuned…
-Noah D.


PS: I tweeted the entire event via phone and Eye-Fi card. Full review on that someday soon, I promise.