Back on the ground…

We’re on the ground in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Our flight landed at some hour tonight, maybe 9pm.

For an initial jaunt through the streets, we’re all wide-eyed and suddenly not so tired after our nasty amount of flight time we just logged – I think my Skymiles just jumped up 8000 or so.

But regardless of that, I could not help but laugh a little coming out of the Bole Airport just a few minutes ago. I literally laughed… the first smells of the city hit me – a mix of late night cooking and families having coffee ceremonies and burnt wood – I am at home on the road again.

A traveler cannot explain the feeling of a city. I photograph it, I video it, I write about it… but the way a new city hits you when you come out the front doors of the airport into the cool night air in East Africa.

My travels for the next few months are going to take me quite a few places, dozens of countries, literally hundreds of cities… and I will do my best through this website/blog and my twitter to show you these places.

But I honestly encourage you – whatever it takes – see the world for yourself. I want these travels to inform and inspire and realize that the world is truly a beautiful place… and its a place that YOU, too, can see.

Nothing is impossible.

And whatever happens, its gonna be good…
-Noah D.