Minor even is major…

For a place steeped in history to the level of a city like Istanbul, even the minor churches – the ones that are way off the tourist’s maps – are major.

And between all those “minor” churches are all the usual Turkish people going about their every day lives…

Many apologies if the copious amount of street photos aren’t your thing. I, on the other hand, love the feel. Though it may seem so extremely different, none of the things you’re seeing here are very much different from the scenes of children walking down the roads of Africa barely a week ago.

Some ride the carts pulled by donkeys. Some ride trolleys…

The markets of Axum with its extraordinary variety of spices just dumped out in piles on the ground, the markets of Oman with its 5-gallon buckets of spices, and the rows and rows of neatly packed spices in the bazaar…

Its all very similar. The world is actually quite a small place.

And some write in journals…

…while I broadcast my thoughts to the world.

Thank you for staying tuned thus far. Triple digit hits a day to this blog, I am so honored for everyone’s support.
-Noah D.